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Three Irish Poets

A poem about poets, you might ask?
Yeats, Beckett, Heaney worthy of the task.
Yeats' symbols and Celtic Mythology,
Sligo's son wins Nobel in twenty-three.


Just as Ezra Pound influenced young Yeats,
Beckett crossed paths with Joyce, one of the greats.
Dublin born, Paris he would craft many a line,
Sam Beckett earned Nobel in sixty-nine.


Lyrical beauty and ethical sense,
Seamus Heaney, master of verse and tense.
Poet Laureate whose words came alive,
Heaney received the Prize in ninety-five.


Proud writing history, Sweden chose to recognize,
Three Irish poets honored with The Nobel Prize.



Richard C. Welch, Jr.
July 28, 2017




W.B. Yeats
Samuel Beckett
Seamus Heaney
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