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Héroes Nacionales

Venezuela's visionary hero was renown,
Bolivar sought freedom from the Spanish Crown.
He was known as "El Libertador,"
With honor and bravery, he fought in war.


Argentina's General led with conviction,
San Martin freed more than one nation.
His Army defeated the "Realistas,"
Clearly victorious on both costas.


Cuba's Patriot fighting for Freedom,
Martí defended great truths with wisdom.
He urged for a "Cuba Libre" - Free,
Halting oppressive rule from the Monarchy.


Three men willing to die for their ideals, without fear,
When will today's Héroes Nacionales appear?


Richard C. Welch, Jr. 1/3/13

Simón Bolívar 
José de San Martín 
José Martí
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