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Saint Louis Sonnet
King Louis IX of France

Saint Louis Statue with Crown of Thorns - Sacré-Coeur Basilica, Paris

13th Century, Louis the IX crowned,

In his France and Europe he was renowned.

The Kingdom entered into Golden Age,

A brave, chivalrous, just king on world stage.


He led France in prosperity and peace,

Proud of the flag, azure and fluer-de-lis.

United humble and poor to lords and knights.

Patron of the arts, building holy sights.


Inspired by Catholic zeal and faith,

He battled in the Crusades, seventh and eighth.

Leaving Paris with sons, Louis “took the cross”,

Disease struck, the king died amidst much loss.


For France and God, Saint Louis fought for the highest good,

Only French King in history to achieve sainthood.


 Richard C. Welch, Jr.  


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